Thursday, March 26, 2015

Stage 1 and 2


Stage 1
The first stage of my design will be the control room.  From this area the control systems of the rocket will be able to maneuver the craft, control the systems on board, and communicate back with Earth.  The first stage will also be home to the storage space on the ship.  Here the resources such as water, packaged food, and other necessary supplies will be stored.  The outside of stage one will be the main power source for the rocket.  On the outside there will be a series of solar panels that rest on the ship and also jet out from the ship in order to harness the most energy from the sun.  These solar panels will power both stage one and stage two.

Stage 2
The second stage of this rocket will be the living area for the crew on board.  This stage will spin continuously in order to create the force of gravity in space.  By spinning around, the stage will create a centripetal force causing an inward pull, similar to the pull of Earth on everything on its surface. This stage will also be home to the hibernation chambers.  I know this sounds very sci-fi like but as I blogged about earlier there is a great deal of progress being made in this field by the company Torpor.  With this technology on board the needed supplies to sustain human life such as solid food and water will be greatly diminished.  These are the first two stages of my ship.

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