Thursday, March 19, 2015

My Turn

After these past few months of research and I am ready to present my first rough sketch of my rocket for the future.  Here it is...
First let's start with the basic idea of this mission.  The rocket will be constructed in space in order to allow the boosters of the rocket to produce much more trust than they would on Earth because they are not fighting gravity.  This will allow the rocket to travel at a higher velocity.  The boosters of the rocket will not all be fired at the same time though.  One booster will be fired at a time.  Two of the boosters and the fuel that will sit inside will be used for trust in space.  The other third booster will be used for traveling back and forth from the rocket and any planet that the ship would orbit.  Now let's get into the different stages of the rocket. The first stage will be the control and storage area. This area will control the use of the rockets and functions of stage two.  There will also be solar panels located on the outside of this stage as a power source.  Stage two will be the living quarters and the area where the ion thrusters are located.  Living on this ship will consist of a lot of sleeping.  The crew will stay in an induced hibernation capsule that will also rotate in order to create the effects of gravity.  This will decrease the amount of food and other supplies that the crew will need for long missions.  The ion engines also located in this stage will be used for maneuvering and as slight accelerators and decelerators for the rocket as a whole.  The third stage is home to the rocket boosters, which will be the main source of thrust and power for the rocket.  More detailed explanations for each stage will be coming in the following week.  If you have any questions about this space-craft or have any suggestions to better the craft please leave them in the comment box below.            

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