Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Outline

Alex Deutsch
The Final Frontier Project

  • Start with rocket takeoff video
    • Say how this was 1st time to moon and we have never sent man any farther than this
  • Introduce the final frontier project and myself
  • State that this project was created to learn how to get past the moon and why we currently have not gotten past the moon
  • State my idea for my rocket (include picture of whole rocket)
    • Describe first stage of rocket (include picture)
      • Solar Panels
      • Storage Areas
      • Control Panel
    • Describe second stage of rocket (include picture)
      • Hibernation Module
      • Ion Thrusters
    • Describe third stage of rocket (include picture)
      • Three Rocket Boosters
      • How each one will be used
      • Leave and Return Capabilities of Third booster
    • Explain how rocket will work as a whole
    • Explain how launch sequence will happen
      • Build Ship in Space
      • Launch Ship from Space
  • Talk About Current NASA Plans
  • Finish with the pale blue dot quote by Carl Sagan

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