Thursday, January 15, 2015

The EmDrive, breaking Physics??

Two weeks ago I talked about the great possibilities of metallic hydrogen as a fuel source for deep space travel.  This week I looked into the idea of an EmDrive.  This device as seen to the left uses microwave technology with the input of DC power to propel objects forward without using a propellant like gas.  It uses a magnetron to push microwave waves through a tunnel slowing them down, and creating different levels of pressure in the cone of the device which causes the thrust.  This system of creating thrust in space has many advantages.  First it substantially reduces the weight for fuel on any spacecraft.  It also can run continuously for 15 years with only the help of a solar panel to supply its needed electrical input which also saves on the costs for sending a project into space. The EmDrive has also been tested and passed by NASA as having serious potential for the future.  The current thrust for this machine low but in space it doesn't take much force to get moving and being able to apply a force for a long time allows for a constant acceleration.The EmDrive is a very complex machine and if you would like to learn more about how it works, its potential for future exploration, and how it was created visit

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