Friday, February 27, 2015

Light and the Universe

Can we travel at the speed of light and if so how far in the universe can we go or can we go to other universes or is there only are universe or are we an advanced program created by another civilization?  The video below talks about traveling the speed of light and they reality of it.  We can never travel that fast, unlike most sci-fi movies, because we have mass and mass can never travel at that high of a speed.  The other question posed in this video is what is the universe and can there be many different universes.  Both of these questions go back to the original question for this blog,  What lies beyond where man has not gone?

Friday, February 20, 2015

See You Next Year

Every person knows about the International Space Station and the many men and women that are sent up to it each year.  However many people probably do not know that they are only up in space for a couple months and then are brought back home.  This March will be the first time in history that two astronauts will be sent up to the ISS for a full year.  Their mission is to conduct experiments in space but they are also part of an experiment.  NASA will be closely observing the ways in which NASA astronaut Scott Kelly and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko bodies will change during their year in space.  This test will give NASA information on how an astronaut's body will change during a deep space mission such as traveling to Mars.  With this information NASA will be able to better plan and come up with solutions on how to keep the human body healthy in the vacuum of space.  The two men will start their journey March 2015 and will be under strict watch until after their return March 2016.   

One-Year Mission Portrait
NASA astronaut Scott Kelly (left), the Expedition 43/44 flight engineer and Expedition 45/46 commander; and Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko, the Expedition 43-46 flight engineer, will serve one full year on the International Space Station starting in March 2015.
Credit: NASA/Bill Stafford

Friday, February 13, 2015

Boeing Entering the Great Race

The great passenger jet company Boeing is now making news in space.  The company is working on their CST-100 Spaceship and plans to be sending a crew within it into space by 2017.  The craft resembles many of the other deep space ships being produced lately.  They all seem to be applying a gum drop shape to their return modules.  This push foreword by Boeing has been heavily financed by NASA, hoping to rely less on the Russian space program.  The CST-100 will be able to hold seven crew members, be reused 10 times, and be able to land on land.  This means that this ship will be the first to land on land since the space shuttle program, everything else lands in the ocean.  The ship will mostly be used to send crew members back and fourth form the International Space Station (ISS) but Boeing says it may take normal people into space on joy rides, hoping to make some money off the ship.   
This artist's illustration depicts a Boeing CST-100 spacecraft approaching a private inflatable space station complex designed by Bigelow Aerospace.
This artist's illustration depicts a Boeing CST-100 spacecraft approaching a private inflatable space station complex designed by Bigelow Aerospace.Credit: Boeing

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Reusable Rocket Take Two

The company SPACEX is at the forefront of space travel and innovation.  This Sunday, February 8, at approximately 6:30 a.m. the company will be trying to push even further.  SPACEX will be for the second time trying to launch and land its Falcon 9 rocket.  This attempt was made earlier and can be seen failing here: .  The attempt failed but just barely.  The rocket landed on a 300 ft. by 100 ft. barge in the Atlantic Ocean which is an enormous achievement for human space travel.  The company is obviously hoping to do much better this attempt but if they fail, SPACEX has another 15 launches already planned for this year alone, including its Falcon Heavy the world's most powerful rocket by a factor of 2.  What is the big deal about landing a rocket and taking off with it again though?  The answer is that this process would significantly decrease the cost of going up into space.  We would be able to send many more missions into space and learn a lot more about a vast area we still know very little.


Jon Ross at @zlsadesign and
         Artist's impression of SpaceX rocket landing.