Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Take Off.....

When we look at the universe, Earth and everything that calls it home are but a minute fraction of everything that lies beyond our gravitational field.  Beyond our planet are other planets making up our solar system.  Beyond our solar system are other solar systems which make up galaxies.  Beyond these galaxies are more galaxies making up galaxy groups.  Beyond these galaxy groups there are more galaxy groups which make up super galaxy groups.  Beyond this point science does not yet know.  My senior project is the idea that this vast amount of space that surrounds everyone of us must be explored and the only way to accomplish this task is by building an extended-time spaceship.  What are the features, requirements, and costs of a ship that can travel to where we can no longer see.  This final frontier project will answer these three questions and provide an answer on how to explore the enormous system that we as a whole make up only a fraction.